

Bone Tissue Engineering

Vascular Tissue Engineering


Bioingénierie Tissulaire (BioTis)

Inserm U1026

Université Bordeaux

146, rue Léo-Saignat

33076 BORDEAUX cedex - France

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3D bioprinting in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. FRICAIN JC, DE OLIVERA H, DEVILLARD R, KALISKY J, REMY M, KERIQUEL V, LE NIHOUANNEN D, GREMARE A, GUDURIC V, PLAUD A, L'HEUREUX N, AMEDEE J, CATROS S. Medecine Sciences (Paris). 2017;33(1):52-59.

La cicatrisation osseuse en Chirurgie orale. FENELON M, MASSON-REGNAULT E, CATROS S, Réalités Cliniques 2017,27:37-43

Odontologie et ingenierie tissulaire : la bioimpression au service de la regeneration osseuse. KEROUREDAN O, GUDURIC V, SMIRANI R, REMY M, DE OLIVEIRA H, FRICAIN JC, NAVEAU A, DEVILLARD R, CATROS S, Information dentaire N°16 – Avril 2017

In situ printing of mesenchymal stromal cells, by laser-assisted bioprinting, for in vivo bone regeneration applications. KERIQUEL V, OLIVEIRA H, RÉMY M, ZIANE S, DELMOND S, ROUSSEAU B, REY S, CATROS S, AMÉDÉE J, GUILLEMOT F, FRICAIN JC, Sci Rep, 2017, 11;7(1):1778.

Layer-by-Layer Bioassembly of Cellularized Polylactic acid Porous Membranes for Bone Tissue Engineering GUDURIC V, METZ C, SIADOUS R, BAREILLE R, LEVATO R, ENGEL E, FRICAIN JC, DEVILLARD R, LUZANIN O, CATROS S, Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine. 2017, 28(5):78.

Investigating impact of five build parameters on the maximum flexural force in FDM specimens – A definitive screening design approach. LUZANIN O, GUDURIC V, RISTIC I, MUHIC S. Journal of Rapid prototyping, 2017. DOI: 10.1108/RPJ-09-2015-0116

Impression 3D en médecine régénératrice et ingénierie tissulaire. FRICAIN JC, DE OLIVEIRA H, DEVILLARD R, KALISKY J, REMY M, KERIQUEL V, LE NIHOUANNEN D, GREMARE A, GUDURIC V, PLAUD A, L'HEUREUX N, AMEDEE J, CATROS S. Médecine/Sciences, Vol. 33, 52-59, 2017

In vitro assessment of a collagen/alginate composite scaffold for endodontic regeneration. DEVILLARD R, REMY M, KALISKY J, BOURGET JM, KEROUREDAN O, NAKKOUCH M, SIADOUS R; BAREILLE R, GUILLEMOT F, AMEDEE J, CHASSANDE O, FRICAIN JC, International Endodontic Journal. 2017; 50(1):48-57.

Efficacy of orally administered prednisolone versus partial endodontic treatment on pain reduction in emergency care of acute irreversible pulpitisof mandibular molars: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. KEROUREDAN O, FRICAIN JC, ARRIVE E, DEVILLARD R. Trials. 2017; 18(1):141.

3D anatomical and perfusion MRI for longitudinal evaluation of biomaterials for bone regeneration of femoral bone defect in rats. TOURNIER C, AID-LAUNAIS R, KOONJOO N, DE OLIVEIRA H, J. TROTIER A, REY S, WECKER D, LETOURNEUR D, AMEDEE J, MIRAUX S. Scientific Reports, Sci Rep. 2017; 7(1):6100.

A novel hybrid nanofibrous strategy to target progenitor cells for a cost-effective in situ angiogenesis. SACHOT N, CASTANO O, OLIVEIRA H, MARTÍ-MUÑOZ J, ROGUSKA A, AMÉDÉE J, LEWANDOWSKA M, PLANELL JA, ENGEL E. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, in press, doi: 10.1039/c6tb02162j.

Strontium-doped hydroxyapatite polysaccharide materials effect on ectopic bone formation. EHRET C, AID-LAUNAIS R, SAGARDOY T, SIADOUS R,  BAREILLE R, REY S, PECHEV, ETIENNE L, KALISKY J, DE MONES E, LETOURNEUR D, AMEDEE A, Plos One. 2017; 12(9).

A new composite hydrogel combining the biological properties of collagen with the mechanical properties of a supramolecular scaffold for bone tissue engineering. MAISANI M, ZIANE S, EHRET C, LEVESQUE L, SIADOUS R, LE MEINS JF, CHEVALIER P, BARTHELEMY P, DE OLIVEIRA H, AMEDEE J, MANTOVANI D, CHASSANDE O. J Tissue Eng Regen Med. 2017 Sep 6. Doi: 10.1002/term.2569

Influence of external beam radiotherapy on the properties of PMMA versus silicone induced membranes in a bilateral segmental bone defect in rats. SAGARDOY T, EHRET C, BAREILLE R, BENOIT J, AMÉDÉE J, DE MONES E. Tissue Eng Part A. 2017 Aug 29. Doi: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2017.0095.

The proangiogenic potential of a novel calcium releasing composite biomaterial: Orthotopic in vivo evaluation. OLIVEIRA H, CATROS S, CASTANO O, REY S, SIADOUS R, CLIFT D, MARTI-MUNOZ J, BATISTA M, BAREILLE R, PLANELL J, ENGEL E, AMÉDÉE J, Acta Biomater. 2017; 54:377-385

3D bioprinting in regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. FRICAIN JC, DE OLIVERA H, DEVILLARD R, KALISKY J, REMY M, KÉRIQUEL V, LE NIHOUNEN D, GRÉMARE A, GUDURIC V, PLAUD A, L'HEUREUX N, AMÉDÉE J, CATROS S. Med Sci (Paris). 2017 Jan; 33(1):52-59.

Relevance assessment of requests for antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies detection: Retrospective study led in Bordeaux Hospital, France. BISCAY P, RALAZAMAHALEO M, LAZARO E, RICHEZ C, SENESCHAL J, RIGOTHIER C, CONTIN-BORDES C, DUFFAU P. Rev Med Interne. 2017; 38(10):656-662.

CIADIS sub-study in the ANRS CO3 Aquitaine cohort study group. Activation, senescence and inflammation markers in HIV patients: association with renal function. OZANNE A, DUFFAU P, DAUCHY FA, RIGOTHIER C, TERRIEN C, LAZARO E, CAZANAVE C, LAWSON-AYAYI S, BONNET F, BLANCO P, WITTKOP L, PELLEGRIN I; AIDS. 2017; 31(8):1119-1128.

High glucose repatterns human podocyte energy metabolism during differentiation and diabetic nephropathy. IMASAWA T, OBRE E, BELLANCE N, LAVIE J, IMASAWA T, RIGOTHIER C, DELMAS Y, COMBE C, LACOMBE D, BENARD G, CLAVEROL S, BONNEU M, ROSSIGNOL R, FASEB J. 2017 Jan; 31(1):294-307.

Rituximab for Severe Membranous Nephropathy: A 6-Month Trial with Extended Follow-Up. DAHAN K, DEBIEC H, PLAISIER E, CACHANADO M, ROUSSEAU A, WAKSELMAN L, MICHEL PA, MIHOUT F, DUSSOL B, MATIGNON M, MOUSSON C, SIMON T, RONCO P; GEMRITUX STUDY GROUP. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2017; 28(1):348-358.

For ANRS C03 Aquitaine Cohort Study Group. Absence of Decline of Kidney Function in Human Immunodeficiency Virus-Infected Patients Under Routine Clinical Management. BOUCQUEMONT J, LAWSON-AYAYI S, RIGOTHIER C, BONNET F, PROUST-LIMA C, NEAU D, GREIB C, MIREMONT-SALAMÉ G, DABIS F, DUPON M, DAUCHY FA; Nephron. 2017; 136(3):211-220.

Fam20A gene mutation: amelogenesis or ectopic mineralization. LIGNON G, BERES F, QUENTRIC M, ROUZIERE S, WEIL R, DE LA DURE-MOLLA M, NAVEAU A, KOZYRAKI R, DESSOMBZ A, BERDAL A.  Frontiers in Physiology 2017. Front Physiol. 201; 8:267.

CD40 signaling and hepatic steatosis: Unanticipated links. LEPREUX S, VILLENEUVE J, DEWITTE A, BERARD AM, DESMOULIERE A, RIPOCHE J. Clin Res Hepatol Gastroenterol. 2017; 41(4):357-369

Blood platelets and sepsis pathogenesis: a new therapeutic prospect in critical ill patients? DEWITTE A, LEPREUX S, VILLENEUVE J, RIGOTHIER C, COMBE C, OUATARRA A, RIPOCHE J. Ann Intensive Care. 2017 ; 7(1) :115.

The proangiogenic potential of a novel calcium releasing composite biomaterial: orthotopic in vivo evaluation. DE OLIVEIRA H, CATROS S, CASTANO O, S REY, SIADOUS R, CLIFT D, MARTI-MUNOZ J, BATISTAM, BAREILLE R, PLANELL J, ENGEL E, AMÉDÉE J. Acta Biomater. 2017; 54:377-385.

In situ printing of mesenchymal stromal cells, by laser-assisted bioprinting, for in vivo bone regeneration applications. KERIQUEL V, OLIVEIRA H, RÉMY M, ZIANE S, DELMOND S, ROUSSEAU B, REY S, CATROS S, AMÉDÉE J, GUILLEMOT F, FRICAIN JC. Sci Rep. 2017; 7(1):1778.

High glucose repatterns human podocyte energy metabolism during differentiation and diabetic nephropathy. IMASAWA T, OBRE E, BELLANCE N, LAVIE J, IMASAWA T, RIGOTHIER C, DELMAS Y, COMBE C, LACOMBE D, BENARD G, CLAVEROL S, BONNEU M, ROSSIGNOL R. FASEB Journal. 2017; 31:294-307.

Skin autofluorescence in Acute Kidney Injury. LAVIELLE A, RUBIN S, BOYER A, MOREAU K, RAJAOBELINA K, COMBE C, RIGALLEAU C. Critical Care. 2017; 21:24.

Cost-effectiveness of home telemonitoring in chronic kidney disease patients at different stages by a pragmatic randomized controlled trial (eNephro): rationale and study design. THILLY N, CHANLIAU J, FRIMAT L, COMBE C, MERVILLE P, CHAUVEAU P, BATAILLE P, AZAR R, LAPLAUD D, NOEL C, KESSLER M. BMC Nephrology. 2017; 18:126.

Identifying subgroups of renal function trajectories. BOUCQUEMONT J, LOUBÈRE L, METZGER M, COMBE C, STENGEL B, LEFFONDRE K, and the nephrotest study group. Nephrology Dialysis Transplantation. 2017;32(suppl_2):ii185-ii193.

La protection cardiovasculaire du patient diabétique avec maladie rénale chronique et cas particulier de l'insuffisance rénale chronique terminale du sujet âgé. ZAOUI P, HANNEDOUCHE T, COMBE C. Néphrologie & Thérapeutique. 2017;13: 6S16-6S24.

A nationwide prospective cohort study of patients with advanced chronic kidney disease in Japan: The Reach-J CKD cohort study. HOSHINO J, NAGAI K, KAI H, SAITO C, ITO Y, ASAHI K, KONDO M, ISEKI K, ISEKI C, OKADA H, KASHIHARA N, NARITA I, WADA T, COMBE C, PISONI R-L, ROBINSON B-M, YAMAGATA K. Clin Exp Nephrol. Springer Japan; 2017; 39:S1–9.

Isl1 controls patterning and mineralization of enamel in the continuously renewing mouse incisor. NAVEAU A, ZHANG B, MENG B, SUTHERLAND M, PROCHAZKOVA M, WEN T, MARANGONI P, JONES KB, COX TC, GANSS B, JHEON AH, KLEIN OD, J Bone Miner Res. J Bone Miner Res. 2017;32(11):2219-2231.

The impact of different geometry designs of in situ printed mesenchymal stromal cells, by laser-assisted bioprinting, for bone regeneration in a mouse calvaria model. KERIQUEL V, OLIVEIRA H, RÉMY M, ROUSSEAU B, DELMOND S, REY S, ZIANE S, DEVILLARD R, CATROS S, AMÉDÉE J, GUILLEMOT F, FRICAIN JC. Scientific Reports 7, 1778 (2017).

Chitosan-based hydrogels for developing a small-diameter vascular graft: in vitro and in vivo evaluation. AUSSEL A, THEBAUD N, BERARD X, BRIZZI V, DELMOND S, BAREILLE R, SIADOUS R, JAMES C, RIPOCHE J, DURAND M, MONTEMBAULT A, BURDIN B, LETOURNEUR D, L'HEUREUX N, DAVID L, BORDENAVE L. Biomed Mater. 2017; 12(6).

Cation Tuning of Supramolecular Gel Properties: A New Paradigm for Sustained Drug Delivery. RAMIN MA, SINDHU KR, APPAVOO A, OUMZIL K, GRINSTAFF MW, CHASSANDE O, BARTHÉLÉMY P. Adv Mater. 2017; 29(13).

Low molecular weight hydrogels derived from urea based-bolaamphiphiles as new injectable biomaterials. MICHAEL RAMIN A, LATXAGUE L, SINDHU KR, CHASSANDE O, BARTHÉLÉMY P. Biomaterials. 2017 ; 145 :72-80.

Association between Changes in Quality of Life and Mortality in Hemodialysis Patients: Results from the DOPPS. PERL, KARABOYAS A, MORGENSTERN H, SEN A,  RAYNER H, VANHOLDER R, COMBE C, HASEGAWA T, FINKELSTEIN F, LOPES A,ROBINSON B, PISONI R-L, TENTORI F. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2017; 32(3):521-527.

Feasibility study of biofabricated graft for treating periodontal recession. SMIRANI R, DELATTRE L, KEROUREDAN O, FRICAIN JC, DEVILLARD R, NAVEAU A. Journal of Oral Medecine and Oral Surgery. 2016 Dec; 22(4):331-335.

Laser-Assisted Bioprinting of cells for Tissue Engineering. KEROUREDAN O, REMY M, H. DE OLIVEIRA, GUILLEMOT F, DEVILLARD R. Livre « Laser Printing of Functional Materials: Fundamentals & Applications in Electronics, 3D Microfabrication and Biomedicine ». Edité par A. Piqué et P. Serra. Publié par Wiley-WCH.

Laser-Assisted Bioprinting for Tissue Engineering. KEROUREDAN O, DESRUS H, REMY M, KALISKY J, BOURGET JM, AMEDEE J, FRICAIN JC, CATROS S, DEVILLARD R. Livre « Biomaterials and Nanotechnology for Tissue Engineering ». Edité par S. Swaminathan, K. Uma Maheswari, S. Anuradha. Publié par CRC Press.